This is the idea: Through a philosophical multilogue of religious theme, participants in this forum will further their inquiry into what it means to share this planet with people of so many diverse beliefs.
Most times these beliefs are contrary, and so it gives rise to many questions about the intent of any possible creator, as well as questions as to our capacity to comprehend such notions.
Directing question #1: Does God exist?
Directing question #2: How can we prove God exists (or) Do we need to prove God exists?
Directing question #3 to #infinity: to be announced by members as they participate.
I have some points I've gathered from my own mistakes for those who'd like to engage in what will ultimately become debates in many situations.
How we answer directing questions can oftentimes have two contexts. For some of us, it is personal, while for others, it is ultimate. Sometimes its logical, and sometimes its abtract. Attack, defence: questioning, answering; it goes on.
My focus varies considerably for the tasks at hand as I'm sure yours may.
Feel free to identify your context in your writing through the use of differentiating terms such as "It is true that.." or "I find it to be true that..." How you manage this *directly affects* the latitude of the response another person can sensibly compose.
Consider your evidence wisely. What is evident about it? How accessible is it?
Lastly, in the case of nettiquette, if you feel like your point is valid, then it will be valid regardless of whether you make your attacks personal or not.
By all means, feel free to make it personal, I'm just saying...
*Personally*, I think it's foolish to try and make things personal when you're having a competition of ideas. The only thing *more foolish* than that is to assume someone's attack of your point is intended personally when this assumption is not given directly by the written body in question, for it shows a great, and exploitable vulnerability. Basically, high road/low road. Y'all know the deal.
PS: Do you have any ideas on what constitutes best practices in a religiously themed forum? Let's talk about your ideas too. As soon as you join this blog, it's yours.
In answer to your question
"Do you have any ideas on what constitutes best practices in a religiously themed forum?"
I would say, just to keep in mind that everyone has the right to believe in whatever they choose, no matter how contradictory to our beliefs it may be or how unreal it sounds, having a respect for each other should certainly work.
1:43 PM
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