My answers
Recently I added a response in the post below titled "Origins".
Seenie did that also.
I read both of our responses carefully and thought that they were too good to be down there, so I decided to put mine up on here as a proper post. If you have time to do so Seenie, I think yours should be up here too.
So basically my response to "Origins" is this: (with some minor editing)
Is evolution the truth, or is the account of the bible truth?
After many years of personal questioning, I came to the conclusion that I believe that God is the creator of the heavens and earth. How? I don't know, it could be something similar to evolution or not, I should say a type of evolution since I'm not an evolutionist at all, I'm very much a creationist, but I am open minded to the how's.
It would be very closed minded of me to shrug off scientific and evolutionary thoughts. I also respect different views.
Life had to start somewhere, now, to go from a barron lifeless state to a planet filled with life, there are a number of stages that we would have to pass through, being:
1.)Early atmosphere: We need to have a favorable environment for life to evolve and to be sustained.
2.) Simple organic molecules:
We need a means of constructing the building blocks to life
3.) Large macro-molecules (DNA,RNA etc): Some of the simple molecules must be assembled into biologically useful large molecules.
4.) Biological systems:
biological systems, such as energy conversion must be constructed.
5.) Living Cell: All these molecules and systems must be assembled together to form a highly complex living cell.
So when we examine this very carefully, we see that there are huge problems, it would require a large leap of faith to believe that they ever happened. But for those who do believe in this, that's fine, I am just offering my opinions an conclusions, also, what has brought me to these conclusions.
So if a person wants to explain the origin of life with no supernatural means, they would need to have a plausible explanation for each of these steps.
SO where in fact did we come from?
Personally, I will say God.
where is the evidence? To me, everywhere. There are some fascinating facts relating to the great flood, especially when we study fossils and many different things, including how the world "was" before now.
What does this mean for matters of the now?
I don't know exactly. I can only offer my beliefs to go with that question, to be the best persons we can be while we are here on earth. Try to have a good heart and keep with things that are good. And to continue to form a relationship with God.
BTW the origins of life thing I got from some other studies, I didn't come up with them on my own, or make them up, they can be found on the net too.
So let there be no question about it, i'm very much a Christian who believes that we are here today because we are God's creation.
*note: The Statements that I have made on the example of the origins of life, where I outlined the steps to making a single living cell can be found here
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