Friday, February 03, 2006

Where the Hell is Patrick?

What a confusing mishmash with the article I just read where Johnny quotes an article and Carmel responds with more material.


I feel I should address this.

The article Johnny presented was just pointing out what many of us already know--the church changes what the "truth is and has always been" in order to keep up with the prevaling opinions of our times. I don't think Johnny Dragon was saying anything initally about whether God really exists or not, or anybody's position on God existing or not, from this article.

However it appears Jragon does attempt to say something like this along those lines with
but there would seem to be a contradiction in that statement combined with one stating that evolution has more credence than Intelligent Design

where the "statement" he referenced here was
church decided to praise the U.S. for NOT teaching Intelligent Design

I see no contradiction, Johnny. There isn't one. However, I can appreciate that you weren't making a full-out assertion with the disclaiming "there would seem"..

"Yeppers, Billy Bob, ehe ehe ehe. It's a seemer! Better run tell ma and chain up dem hogs!"
--Hillbilly Jim's reaction to Mark 5:13

I don't know if they mean intelligent design entirely, or just the fable of 6 days to create the planet etc. Basically, I think its time for any church to get serious and drop the Adam and Eve BS so we can all move on to the real business of what are we even doing here now?

I maintain that evolution IS intelligent design. This propensity of life to improve and grow certainly says something about the intentions of any possible author. And I think the harmony of physics and nature suggest a brilliance not inherent in purposefully-inert existence.

Evolution is obviously what any conceivable God wanted us to realise. Your reaction to what people say about that illustrates something. No matter what anyone said about it, where does being a cog in God's machine put you? It puts me into the beautiful whole, as I could hope it puts you all. It's nice here. It means I'm immortal. In time and space, I will always be here, in this time, making these actions; whether 10 minutes have passed, or 10 million years, the time and space I am composed of is eternal. I will always be alive in my time.

So how long can you make excuses for giving into superstition? Give up your instinct, because the truth is we have none. You have all been inaugurated into the race by your race. Nobody arrived here independently. So how can you trust what you are, given what you've seen about the authors of all your known history? You think you should buy into fictions that result from fears with birthplaces that are thousands of miles and thousands of years from here? I certainly hope that's not what an education gave you.

Also, I wasn't able to find anything stretchy about what Carmel said by the stretchy comment itself. But, as any yogist or tennis player knows, it's good to be flexible. And stretching itself is not a point against you unless someone able comes along and comprpises you with that fact.

Carmel had 3 assertions. I believe she presented and held her ground more than sufficiently in point one, the central one in my opinion. As well, point 3 was an accurate summary of what Johnny's article was stating.

I couldn't read #2 properly. It's broken or something:
2. The Catholic Church does not think that there is more evidence in evolution that intelligent Design because it says so in the official documents, which are the true Church beliefs.

So, Carmel, since you concluded your involvement in that post with the phrase "I hope some other reader got something out of it" I wanted to let you know that I had, indeed.

I read the post after that one, inspired by that one, and I was DElighted to see not one comment. I enjoyed the post itself. The church is slick! Hey! They'll sell you your own soul!

I don't know why I got up to post this, but I'm going back to bed now. I can't imagine I won't have more to say on something else later.


Blogger Infinigeist said...

Oh my! You should look at what you were quoting when I "missed" the contradiction, rather than assume I know this other stuff you *now* present as being behind your thought process. Even with the new submissions, there is nothing apparent independent of your assertion.

It is not ridiculous for me to find merit in Carmel's statements. She was well articulated, and, unlike your statements, her statements were in accord with the article you presented. Her statements weren't in accord with your opinion, however, and for some reason you find this difference to be ridiculous. And that's okay. It's great that you have an opinion about my opinion and other opinions -- it means you're involved. Your na-na boo-boo approach to her statements was kinna ridiculous, but I felt that obvious enough not to warrant comment at the time. You’re clearly shameless about your approach to her words. Just as clearly, Carmel understood the document you presented and what it represented better than you did.

Laughably, in strawman fashion, you quote this:
"Yes the Catholic Church says it's fine to believe in evolution, and still be a Catholic, as long as you believe that God exists of course."

Then you ask, "How is that possibly not a contradiction????"

Wow. You seem a lil excited about something that nobody's gone on record as saying, lol. You feeling ok? You want me to address your "quote" just for fun? Ok.

Um, first of all, nobody said that. Is it okay that I point that out? I’m not being ridiculous am I? The issue in your article is whether evolution and Intelligent Design belong in the same classroom, according to the Vatican. There is no other issue present. The article makes no mention whatsoever about the church's real position on evolution VS intelligent design no matter how much you wish it does. The way you infer that it does is the real s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g going on here. Looks like you could use a lil top-up on sleep yourself.

Second, what you quoted here is not a contradiction. SHOW ME how it’s a contradiction. ANYONE can just say something and then call down others for not getting it. So convenient to be in the position only to have to present an assertion and bear none of the burden of explanation. For all I know, your quote could be the truth. As a premise, it offers no support to your conclusion without your interpretation of it. As such, it alienates anyone who is not similar to you and your viewpoint.

Saying that what Carmel said isn't the case just because she said it, does not, in the least, demonstrate you even have an understanding of what she said. In your loud accusation of her wishful thinking, you prove yourself to be the only defendant.

And since you're presenting this passage as a "quote" perhaps you'd like to name the source of this statement so we can flog them or something? Or is this “quote” really just another stretch? Another inference for the meek-minded to stumble upon? Lol.

My limited experience? Of course you can only assume! How noble of you to admit this personal defeat.

I'll do the work for you, Johnny. You were so close to understanding your article, but you were obviously romantically attached to your own ideas enough to end up a little off the mark.

a) The Church believe that God created things in a specific way (6 days)

b) The Church believes that it's ok to discuss evolution in scientific academic studies and to exclude creationist discussion from said scientific endeavours.

So there you go! No contradiction! :D

All fixed I hope? Retirement cancelled I hope?

As a side note, I question what merit you hope to engender with any of your points or ideas such as this one if they're solely dependent on all your personal, unarticulated understandings. The purpose of this blog was to bridge gaps, not create larger ones. Do the work man! I see something reminiscent of Spencerism here... He never ever directly quoted what he was attacking, nor did he manipulate the components of his own ideas to defend them. He simply said "This is this, and that is that and screw all y’all if you don’t get it" and look where it got him.

As a further aside, are you here to contribute to the promotion of a sense of cross-belief community, or are you simply fixated on the inflammatory aspect of it? Either or, I enjoy your presence here even if other civil-minded persons tire of it.

8:25 AM

Blogger Unknown said...

I think Patrick describes what I was trying to say very well, thanks P.
And I do not see the contradiction either, since there is no set rule on how to believe that we came to be here by God, believe or don't believe the 6 days, that's not the important thing to the Church, they say "believe in God".

But I don't want you 2 friends to be mad at each other. :(

2:30 AM

Blogger Infinigeist said...

Johnny and I are cool, thnx.

5:42 PM


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