Monday, April 17, 2006


Well, the easter season is here, and again the deep religious meaning of it has gone and past. (thnx hallmark) But, thats besides my point of this post.

I have a question, to who ever is still in this discussion and hasnt decided that they werent getting their way and left. no offence to anyone.

Is easter a positive or negative holiday? I mean, jesus was born AND reborn in this time, so what should we say to our families when we see them? Happy easter? or just hello, thank you for the food.

PS - You don't have to eat turkey or ham on easter to celebrate the holiday.

Monday, April 03, 2006

So, in conclusion.

This blog turned out rather disappointing, truth be told. I thought it an awful shame that the two people I wanted on here most could not stay the course for their pride. The foils proved too foily.

Attacks and double standards. Created in god's image and yet without the power of creation. Endless regurgitation, faulty reliances, and presumption like a motherfucker.

I'd like to close my participation on this blog by thanking Dustix for his participation. He is always my favorite foil. If you want to find out what's wrong with what you're thinking, he'll find it soon enough. If you bit off more than you could chew, I'm sorry you thought yourself fit for eating.